Recruitment and Talent Management

As job vacancies arise in NHSBT these should be advertised as per our recruitment policy. 

The benefit of developing talent and succession planning, is that pools of job applicants are created. These applicants are then ready to apply for vacancies as they arise. 

Being identified as ‘high-potential’ is not a guaranteed succession to a vacancy. Neither is having an established succession plan. Colleagues' will have a specific development plan. This supports them to pursue career advancement opportunities. Career advancement and promotion is always subject to normal recruitment and selection processes. 

When recruiting it is important to recognise the value in bringing new talent into an organisation. This brings a greater diversity of people and thinking. It enables benchmarking internal talent against external talent. Therefore there are times when it is appropriate to advertise externally as well as internally.

Occasionally, vacancies and projects may only be available to colleagues in the talent pool. This is generally when the post is fixed term, and the fixed term placement will meet a colleague's development plan.

These decisions are always subject to Director and Senior HR level approval. This is to ensure that all colleagues on the talent management plan are reviewed against the nature of the vacancy.