Pay Progression - Manager Responsibilities

The expectation is that all staff will meet the required standards and will be able to progress on their pay step date. 

How do I confirm pay progression for my employee?

Managers will need to confirm their employee meets the criteria to go up a pay step, you'll need to do this via a form sent to you from 'NHSBT Notification <>' with a subject of 'Action Required – Pay Change Confirmation Needed'.  To ensure your employee gets their pay step on time, please complete the confirmation form prior to the 8th of the month when you receive it.

To support you with the pay progression process you may also want to;

  • Familiarise yourself with Annex 23 of the NHS Terms and conditions handbook in relation to pay progression.
  • Familiarise yourself with the useful resources available on this page in particular the Pay Progression FAQ document
  • Be aware of any up and coming Pay Step reviews that are due for your team members. Your MyESR manager pay progression portlet will highlight this.
  • Ensure PDPRs have been conducted in the last 12 months for the employees you manage.
  • Be aware of the recent NHS Employers guidance on pay progression and COVID19
  • Notify your employee and set up a specific ‘pay step review’ meeting.
  • Conduct the Pay Step review meeting with your employee to review whether standards have been met.
  • Record the outcome of the pay progression meeting via the pay progression form link you'll receive via email.
  • Arrange any follow up meetings should a pay step be deferred and seek HR support 

Manager helpful guidance