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NHSBT Covid Working Recognition

This past year has affected each and every one of us and NHSBT wanted to find a way to say ‘thank you’ and show how much we appreciate all that you've done and continue to do. 

Who is receiving the 'thank you'?

All colleagues in post/working in NHSBT on 31st March 2021 and still working for us.

What will I receive?

Thank you card and badge

All colleagues (including those on Honorary contracts, bank agreements or through an agency) will receive a thank you card, an 'NHSBT2020' badge and access to an Edenred voucher. The badge is marked as 2020 to recognise when the pandemic started and the fantastic work NHSBT colleagues have carried out since then. 

Edenred voucher

This thank you includes a £25 voucher for you to spend on something you’ll enjoy. Look out for an email from during week commencing 6th September with details of how to access your voucher and where you can spend it. The email will be sent to your work email address.

The voucher can be spent in a range of food, drink, leisure and retail outlets. You can choose vouchers with more than one outlet, up to the total value. Be aware that you will need to decide how you want to use the full £25 when choosing your voucher(s), as this has to be done as a single transaction, otherwise you will lose any remaining balance. If you have any queries about the vouchers contact Edenred direct on 0800 247 1233.

If you don't have a work email you can log a request with the IT ServiceDesk.

If you are having technical difficulties or have forgotten your work log in details contact the IT Servicedesk.

Day for You

NHSBT has also agreed an additional, informal, day off for all colleagues employed directly with us on 31st March 2021 and still in work, in recognition of the additional pressures, and exceptional work done, over the last 18 months during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You will be able to take an additional full day off work, which will be based on your normal working day. If you are full time this will be a day, if you work part time it will be what you would have worked that day, and if you work shifts it will be a normal shift for that day. The effect of this is that both full and part-timers and those working variable shifts will be able to have an additional full day away from work. 

You should agree your day off in advance with your line-manager, either by email or using a diary invite in outlook confirming the arrangement.

As this day is separate from any annual leave or bank holiday entitlement and is intended to give you some additional ‘down time’, a “Day for You”, there is no requirement to request or record this day-off in EASY. 

If your team uses the Nextra rostering system this day will need to be recorded by your Manager in the system as a 'training/team day'. 

The day must be taken between now and the end of the current financial year (before 31st March 2022) as it cannot be carried-forward or ‘bought-out’. 

(The day off does not include bank, agency or contractors)

Enhancement payments

If you feel you will lose pay enhancements that you would ordinarily receive from working, when taking your Day for You submit your claim for payment using the 'Day for You Form'

We have put arrangements in place for colleagues to receive average pay for the day taken.

Claims made by the 8th of each month will be processed the following month from November 2021 onwards. 

Please only submit one claim, after you have taken your Day for You, to avoid adjustments or overpayment. The final deadline for claims to be made is 8th April 2022, for payment in April 2022.

What do I do if I haven't received my 'thank you'.

Check that you are eligible to receive the 'thank you'. You also won't be eligible if you;

Badge/Card - ensure you allow time for any postal delays for receiving the card/badge before contacting HR Direct.

Edenred voucher - if you haven't received the email, first check your spam/deleted folders for the email (sender is If you still cannot locate it contact Edenred on 0800 247 1233.


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Online: Raise My HR Direct Query
Phone: 0117 3227700
Address 500, North Bristol Park,
BS34 7QH

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