Travel and Expenses
From Monday 6 January 2025, our revised Travel and Expenses Policy and FAQ's comes into effect. These changes, developed in consultation with our Trade Union colleagues, address recent feedback about accommodation costs and provide clearer guidance for all staff.
New accommodation rates
We have increased the maximum allowances for overnight stays to better reflect current market rates, particularly in London. For stays within the M25, the maximum rate for bed and breakfast is now £160, whilst outside London this is set at £130. Where dinner is required, the total allowable amount increases to £185 in London and £155 elsewhere.
Revised meal arrangements
We're introducing a new flexible lunchtime meal allowance of up to £5 (subject to tax and NI contributions) for colleagues working more than five miles from their base for over five hours. Evening meal allowances remain at £25, though please note that alcoholic beverages can no longer be included in expense claims.
Travel guidelines
First class travel will now only be permitted in two specific circumstances: as part of an agreed workplace adjustment, or when it can be demonstrated that the fare is lower than standard class travel. Any exceptions to this rule must receive director-level approval.
We've also clarified our position on business mileage claims. These must now be registered under the Grey Fleet scheme before any claims can be processed. Additionally, we've updated our guidance regarding the Agile Policy and included new references to salary sacrifice arrangements.
Additional information
To support these changes, we've expanded our explanatory notes and included direct links to relevant booking information. We've also formally confirmed that there is no requirement for colleagues to share accommodation during business stays.
I am looking for:
Access to the EASY system
NHSBT uses EASY for the input and payment of all expense claims.
How to claim, authorise, report on expenses
For information on how to use the EASY system for expenses. Expenses claims can only be made in line with the Travel and Expenses policy. More information can be found in the Travel and Expenses Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
How do I get a refund on an unused rail ticket or claim compensation for a delayed train journey?
For information on refunds of unused rail tickets or compensation for delayed train journeys.
Home to Base Travel
Standard home to base travel is made at the expense of the employee and cannot be claimed for. Any exceptions to this can be found on the Home to Base travel page.
Use my own car for business travel
If you are planning to use your own car for any journeys outside of your home to base travel, you will need to make sure it is first registered with Greyfleet. You can see more information on how to your car on the Using your own car page.
Salary Deduction Lease car
Employees that are expected to travel regularly for their position may be eligible to receive a lease car. To see if you may be eligible to receive a lease car, and for information on how to request one, please see the Salary Deduction Lease car page.
Salary Sacrifice Lease Car
Eligible employees are offered a salary sacrifice scheme as an NHSBT Employee benefit, employees do not have to travel on NHSBT business to be eligible , please see the Salary Sacrifice Lease Car Page.
Electric Vehicle
NHSBT wishes to encourage the use of Electric vehicles amongst out employees. If you currently own an electric vehicle, or are contemplating owning one in the future, please see the Electric Vehicle page.
Overseas Travel
If you are planning to travel overseas for a role, please make sure you have reviewed the Overseas Travel page.