Working in Partnership
We work in partnership with our union colleagues at all levels within the organisation to ensure our health, safety and wellbeing controls are appropriate and work effectively. We encourage staff to consider becoming Union Health and Safety Representatives to ensure this is meaningful to everyone.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy*
April 2023 - March 2028 Health Safety & Wellbeing Strategy
Well done to everyone on supporting the HSW strategy objectives to reduce harm and increase near miss reporting. 2023/2024 saw NHSBT hit both of these targets. This is down to the hard work of everyone in hazard identification, management and communication through near miss reporting. This has then seen significant Harm reduction over the last 6 months of 2023/2024 which helped us achieve the targets.
Harm Target was 8.3 we achieved 8.0
Near Miss Target was 12.8 we achieved 13.6
The targets for 2024/2025 have been set and we are confident that if we keep up the same level of vigilance and support and #watchoutforeachother then we can continue to drive harm down and keep colleagues safe and well.
Harm Target for 24/25 is 7.7 overall 7.5% decrease on last year
Near Miss Target for 24/25 is 13.7 overall 7.5% increase on last year
Employers and Public Liability Certificate 24-25
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) recognises the value of communication with employees, through their Health and Safety representatives. The NHSBT by promoting a health and safety culture will support and help achieve the objectives of reducing accidents and ill-health for all colleagues. The role of the Health and Safety representative is to work in partnership and engage with management in a meaningful dialogue to promote a good safety culture. Their role and the duties of the employer are laid down in law and in guidance produced by the Health and Safety Executive. The NHSBT arrangements are to consult effectively with health and safety representatives as described in Health Safety and Wellbeing Consultation (MPD355).
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Union Representatives*
NHSBT Forum Election Results 2024*
National Health Safety and Wellbeing Committee Meetings Dates
- Monday 10th February - Teams
- Wednesday 21st May - BNS
- Wednesday 27th August - Teams
- Wednesday 19th November - Teams
National Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy Group Meetings Dates
- Wednesday 2nd April - Teams
- Thursday 3rd July - Teams
- Monday 6th October - Teams
Accident and Near Miss Reports
- 2018 to 2019 - financial year*
- 2019 to 2020 - financial year*
- 2020 to 2021 - financial year*
- 2021 to 2022 - financial year*
- 2022 to 2023 - financial year*
- 2023 to 2024 - financial year*
- 2024 to 2025 - financial year* to Jan 24
* Information is only accessible if you are logged in to the NHSBT network (network connection through Citrix/NHSBT Desktop). As a result it may take a moment to load