Overseas Travel

There may be some instances when you are required to travel outside of the UK for your role, in these cases you will need to apply for Overseas travel approval.

Overseas travel must be pre-authorised in line with the Travel and Expenses Policy.

If you are aware of any medical conditions which may impact your ability to travel, please contact HR Direct in the first instance. If you have have been advised by a medical professional that you should not travel overseas due to a medical condition, you will not be covered by NHS Blood and Transplants (NHSBTs) travel insurance policy.

Once you are deemed fit and healthy to travel, complete the Overseas travel approval form* and send to your line manager for approval. Once approved, print and keep a copy of the Travel Insurance Pack* with you for the duration of your trip.

Please Note - This insurance is for business use ONLY.

 After your Overseas Travel has been agreed, you will have a new option in your expenses to claim against.

You will need to claim your overseas expenses as you would any normal expense claim. Please see the expenses page for more information on how to claim.

*Form is only accessible if you are logged in to the NHSBT network (connection through Citrix/NHSBT Desktop). As a result it may take a moment to load.