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Recruitment and Resourcing Services

NHSBT’s Recruitment Team are specialists in how to attract, source and recruit candidates. The majority of vacancies are recruited to using the traditional method of advertising on the NHS Jobs website. However, where bespoke interventions are required or requested from a Recruiting Manager, for example for a very specialist and/or senior post or where we have experienced difficulty in recruiting, the following services are available. Most of these are free of charge except where we use an external provider which may be recharged to the Recruiting Manager. You may also find it useful to review some of the suggestions in the Top Tips document - when Difficult to Recruit

Range of Services

To discuss any of the above, contact HR Direct.

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Get in touch with us

Online: Raise My HR Direct Query
Phone: 0117 3227700
Address 500, North Bristol Park,
BS34 7QH

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