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Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

How are you?

This is a question we ask and are asked several times a day, but do we really listen to the answer, or give an honest one. It’s usually along the lines of “fine”, “ok”, “not bad”, etc. But are these true answers or just automatic responses? Are you actually stressed, angry, worried, depressed, tired, uninterested, disengaged, going through the motions, emotional, etc.?

How are you, really?

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), provided by Health Assured, is there to advise and support you through the difficult times. It is a free, confidential service accessible by phone, online or mobile app 24 hours a day. The Health Assured portal provides access to wellbeing fact sheets, videos, self-help programmes, interactive tools and educational resources to help with life’s challenges. The phone line connects you with qualified advisors who can arrange counselling and signpost you towards other support services available for a variety of issues including:

Please note, a maximum of 6 counselling sessions are available through the EAP service, as this is a short-term support model. If any further sessions are required your counsellor will signpost you to free external services. Counsellors are also not permitted to continue sessions with you as a private client before a certain period of ‘cooling off’ time has passed.

A manager can also refer colleagues to the EAP using the Management Referral Form – Consent Required

The Employee Assistance Programme can also be accessed by family members of NHS Blood and Transplant employees (living at the same home address and over the age of 16 years). They cannot however access face-to-face counselling, apart from in the case of relationship counselling, where both parties would be present.

How to access EAP

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Phone: 0117 3227700
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