
E-recruitment - How to guides

Accessing e-recruitment – This guide will provide instructions on how to log into and familiarise yourself with your e-recruitment account once it has been created for you by recruitment.

Reviewing Applications in e-recruitment - This guide will show the Hiring Manager how to review applications received.

Finalising Shortlisting - This short guide will show the Hiring Manager how to finalise the shortlisting. 

Accessing Interview Pack and Schedule – This short guide will show the Hiring Manager how to access the interview pack and schedule in preparation for their interviews.

Completing the Interview Outcome Form - This short guide will show the Hiring Manager how to complete the online interview outcome form in e-recruitment

Additional Guides

Starting Salaries on Appointment guidance document  - Management Guidance on appointing above the minimum of the salary banding.

Values based interview questions (including diversity questions) document – A list of questions for you to choose from to cover values, behaviours and diversity.

Working together to fill your vacancy guidance document – Details the stages and timescales of recruitment and the responsibilities of the recruiting manager and recruitment contact.

Guidance document on How to Complete the Interview Assessment form – Gives an example of a completed form and tips on how to complete.

Guidance document on checking candidate documentation for authenticity – Gives tips on what to consider when checking documents.

Direct Hire Process guidance document – Outlines the process to follow honorary contracts.