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I want to.
Absence - record / report
Recording, amending, deleting and reporting sickness. Return an employee from sickness, access the attendance policy, frequently asked questions (FAQ's), attendance case management and occupational health.
Accident - report an accident or near miss
Reporting near miss and accidents. Guides for Datix system. Developing safety culture, observation topics and safety alerts issued.
Annual Leave - book / authorise
Booking, submitting, withdrawing, authorising, amending, deleting and reporting of annual leave. Requesting carry forward annual leave. Access to annual leave calculator, annual leave during sickness form and annual leave card template.
Courses - find a course
Digital learning, Influencing skills, scientific and clinical, finance and procurement, safety, recruitment and selection courses. Access to information about apprenticeships and the rolling calendar.
Expenses - claim / authorise
Accessing, claiming, authorising expense and mileage claims. How to set up delegates, access and use the expenses app.
Find a form
Find a form within the document library.
Knowledge - access frequently asked questions
Link to the People Knowledge Base.
Mandatory Training - access / report
What is and how do I complete mandatory training.