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Work Experience and Placements

If you are looking for information about work experience, the sections below will give you the information you require.

We will be publishing information on placements within NHSBT at a later date.

If you have a query about a work experience or placement due to start in the near future, please contact your NHSBT supervising manager.

Work Experience Programmes for School and College Students (14-18 years old) 

Information for school and college students who are interested in work experience at NHSBT

Work Experience Information for NHSBT Managers 

We recognise colleagues will be approached directly about work experience opportunities in their departments. This information for NHSBT managers enables you to support such requests when it does not affect the provision of our day-to-day service. 

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Online: Raise My HR Direct Query
Phone: 0117 3227700
Address 500, North Bristol Park,
BS34 7QH

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