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Reducing Accidents

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Monitoring Our Performance

We provide quarterly reports to the Executive team and an annual HSW report, which is reviewed by the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee (ARGC) and reported to the board. This is part of our management system arrangements to ensure effective review of health safety and wellbeing progress. 

(External) Annual Board Report - July 23

Report an accident

An accident is an undesired event which results in injury or ill health to a person and/or property damage. This includes all road traffic accidents for example accident involving liveried vehicles, lease cars and colleagues own vehicles, driven on NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) business.

An accident can be reported electronically on our Datix system.

Report a near miss

A Near Miss is an undesired event which could have resulted in injury or ill health to a person and/or property damage but was avoided by good luck. Any unsafe acts or conditions identified can also be reported as near misses. A near miss can be reported via postcard or electronically on our Datix system (recommended).

We are all responsible for reporting accidents and near misses we have at work in a timely manner, taking immediate action as appropriate to prevent others from being injured and co-operating with any investigations required.

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and providing a safe working environment your manager will discuss with you the outcome of their investigation and any actions being taken as a result.

We are all expected to co-operate with any investigations required and as part of good communication and commitment to making a safe workplace your manager will tell you about the outcome of the investigation.

More cards are available by contacting contacting HR Direct.

Watch the video below to see why recording near misses is so important:

Develop Safety Culture

Stop, Look, Assess, Manage (SLAM)

Look at observation Topics

Look at Safety Alerts Issued

We issue alerts across the organisation following an external notification of action required, and for internal incidents where we have identified wider learning to help make sure we can avoid further incidents. Alerts are posted here but also sent directly to the areas and managers who need to take action as we monitor this for assurance purposes.

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Get in touch with us

Online: Raise My HR Direct Query
Phone: 0117 3227700
Address 500, North Bristol Park,
BS34 7QH

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