Document Library

Subject Area
  • Lease Car Scheme Policy

    Provides information on the Lease Car Scheme on eligibility and process for applying for a Lease car.

  • Leavers FAQs

    The Leavers FAQ's are provided for guidance or quick reference guide only, so always refer to the Leavers policy.

  • Leavers Policy

    Information on how to process leavers, which departments to notify and details on the different type of leaver options e.g. resignation or retirement etc.

  • Leeds - 26448

    Covid-19 Secure Risk Assessment - Leeds 26448

  • Leeds - controls

    Covid-19 Secure Risk Assessment - Leeds Control Measures

  • Leeds Credit Union FAQs

    Frequently asked questions about Leeds Credit Union.

  • Leeds Credit Union Poster

    Poster advertising the Leeds Credit Union.

  • Let's agree how to work together

    This document can be used to help show what can be achieved through both parties to the contract having a clear understanding of what is expected of them, and what they are prepared to give.