Estates and Facilities
Risk Assessments
The risk assessments below are for Estates and Facilities they are recorded on the electronic system, they are systematic evaluations of a task or environment, used to identify hazards and risks with the objective of eliminating the hazards or reducing the risk to the lowest acceptable level. Each link below has a pdf version of the assessment.
- Control and management of clinical and general waste areas - 343*
- Daily checks and maintenance activities in plant rooms - 12723*
- Entry to a confined space - 12489*
- Filling the Bulk Overground Storage Diesel tank - 17391*
- Generic Work-Related Stress Risk Assessment - Estates and Facilities - 21644*
- Lone Working - 320*
- Lone working/Lone driving/Entering and departing from the place of work - 22560*
- Maintenance activities in rest rooms and catering facilities - 296*
- Management and use of mechanical handling aids - 16909*
- Movement in and control of outside common areas (including car parks, pathways, picnic areas and gardens) - 311*
- Moving and handling of boxes of paper and archive boxes - 12873*
- Moving and the use of non-fixed ladders/step ladders - 295*
- Movement and control of internal common areas and reception areas - 310*
- New & Expectant Mother - 19740*
- Operation of static waste compactor - 16914*
- Snow Clearance - 309*
- Use of scissor lift - 16912*
- Working in offices, reception, meeting rooms and hot desk areas - 12796*
- Working in an underground or interstitial space - 406*
- Working on and inspection of roofs - 313*
- Working within Garage areas on NHSBT Premises - 12788*
- Noise assessment of Generator Rooms - 24086*
*These risk assessments only accessible if you are logged in to the NHSBT network (network connection through Citrix/NHSBT Desktop). As a result it may take a moment to load.