Risk Assessments for NCQT

National Model Risk Assessments (NMRA) have been reviewed by  trained risk assessors and then agreed and approved by managers. The contents of the risk assessment must then be communicated to all staff in the department.

*These risk assessments only accessible if you are logged in to the NHSBT network (network connection through Citrix/NHSBT Desktop). As a result it may take a moment to load.

What Risk assessment (RA) are you looking for?


  • Lone Working - 14454*
  • New and Expectant Mothers - 16974*
  • Use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) - 16972*
  • Use of Mobile Phones by staff - 16971*
  • Violence and Aggression - 16973*


The National Model Risk Assessments for Blood Donation are also applicable to the Nursing Care Quality Team please click to view them.