Document Library

Subject Area
  • Vision for Science

    The Vision for Science is aligned to NHSBT's People Strategy but targeted at scientific roles. 

  • Volunteer FAQs

    FAQs on the guidance and process for the recruitment and management of a unpaid volunteer

  • Volunteer Policy

    Guidance and process for the recruitment and management of a unpaid volunteer.

  • Welcoming Disabled Customers

    Business Disability Forum information - Welcoming Disabled Customers

  • Welsh Payscale

    List of pay points for Wales from April 2020.

  • What are we here for

    A document to give an opportunity for individuals to express their feelings about how they currently see their team, and how different they would like the future to be.

  • What is Talent Management

    Document outlining what talent management is and how to maximise potential in a colleague

  • What motivates me

    Template for assessing what motivates you in the workplace and in your career.