Training for Nurses and Donor Carers
Training for this post will be provided by a blended approach of digital, on-line and face to face training. View details of the training as a Microsoft sway presentation.
To see the training our new Donor Carers will be having go to the Brightspace learning platform.
For more details about simulation day programme refer to the Programme for simulation day.
To support new recruits to consolidate their skills, you might want to enable this group of workers to focus on particular tasks until they have mastered the skills needed, before moving onto another.
For example:
- Welcome
- Registration and reconciliation;
- Screening and HB using Hemocue; or
- DC set and take down of Trima machine.
Downtime within the centre can also be used to move the donor carers around to ‘practice’ the skills and to complete observations and assessments.
Links to training packages provided to new workers:
- Post appointment Convalescent Plasma information
- Welcome to NHSBT - Convalescent Plasma Programme
- Welcome to NHSBT - Furloughed Programme
- Before deployment to a Donor Centre. What to expect next
To see details of assessment and observations refer to the NHSBT Convalescent Plasma Programme.
Venepuncture Training
We are still awaiting the confirmed time frame for the VP training. This will include the theory, simulated practice, live experience and assessment.
Day one on arrival on site – please treat the Nurses as you would for any new recruit. Introduce them to the team.
Give them an orientation round the centre, covering where everything is, access, fire exits etc.
The regional nursing trainer will make contact on day one. They will arrange the Skype meetings and training sessions with them from day two onwards. They will co-ordinate with you on how they should spend their time.
On day one we would also ask that they start to understand:
- the donor journey through the centre
- meet some donors
- start to gain a basic insight into the blood, component and plasma collection processes.
There should be an Antibody Angels Welcome Pack for each Nurse available.
Nurse training
The full nurse training programme has been condensed for these new recruits to speed up their time to useful deployment.
The first week is focused on orientation and the basics, allowing them to operate as a 2nd line Nurse from week two onwards. Working towards being able to perform full 1st line Nursing duties after week 4.
Your regional nurse training contact will be able to give you more detail into the exact nature of the training week by week and where they might need your help.
For full details of training provided refer to the Convalescent Plasma Nurse Training guide.
Mandatory training
They should come to you having completed their mandatory training before arrival. If for any reason they have not completed this, please can you set them to completing this on day one.
The welcome pack includes a blank badge to write their name on.