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Annual leave

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Book, submit or withdraw annual leave

Annual leave booking is via the EASY system. The following guides will help you understand your annual leave record. How to book/request, submit, amend or withdraw your leave request and view the calendar. 

Authorise, amend or delete annual leave

Annual leave under the Taken Annual Leave section is classed as an absence. Amending or deleting taken leave is done via the Absence screen

The guides will help you to amend, reject, authorise or delete annual leave requests. 

For employees off sick who have inclusive Bank Holiday hours, the Scenarios for inclusive annual leave details actions to take when Bank Holidays are booked as annual leave.

Calculate my Annual leave Entitlement 

Annual Leave calculations are in hours for all employees except employees on Medical Terms and Conditions. For advice or queries on Medical Annual Leave contact HR Direct.

Use the Annual Leave calculator to calculate your entitlement (including or excluding bank holidays).

Request to buy or sell leave

For details refer to the relevant page Buying Annual Leave page or Selling Annual Leave page

Request annual leave carry forward

Carry-forward of annual leave is in agreement with, and approval by your Manager. The video will show you how to carry over leave to subsequent leave years.


Report on an individual employee's or my team's annual leave 

The EASY report overview - guidance takes you through the process of running, opening and saving reports. The EASY Annual leave reports - guidance details the type of reports available. For more information about reporting via the Nextra system visit the Donor Session Information page.

Record Annual Leave for an employee who is on long term sickness

For annual during a long term sickness period use the Annual Leave During Sickness Form

Download a copy of the Annual leave card template

Although annual leave is requested and approved through EASY or Nextra. You can still use the Annual Leave Card Template keep a personal record of your annual leave.

Access the policy relating to Annual Leave

Annual leave details are contained in our Time off Work policy. You can find the policy and related information on our Time off Work policy page

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