Buying Annual Leave

I want to know..

The 2024/25 buy annual leave window is now CLOSED for further details view the links below;


Buying annual leave application window and approval dates

Date application window opens Date application needs to be submitted by Line / Budget Manager approvals by Confirmation of payments to employees by Final withdrawal date by employee Salary month payment will begin to be taken in Date updates made in Nextra/EASY
1st May 2024 19th May 2024 2nd June 2024 28th June 2024 8th July 2024 July 2024 26th July 2024


Number of hours to buy

You can buy up to 37.5 hours (pro rata for part-time employees).   You should ensure you will be able to use the leave during the 2024/25 leave year as you will not be able to sell it later in the leave year.


How to apply to buy annual leave

The window to be request to buy annual leave for employees on a standard annual leave year (April to March) has now closed.  

  • Discuss and agree your requirements with your manager, they need to approve any application you submit. 
  • Read the 'Annual Leave Arrangements Guidance 2024' and 'Annual Leave Frequently Asked Questions' before applying. 
  • Complete and save the Buying Annual Leave Calculator* to estimate the cost. See table below for support on what payslips and salary to use to complete your calculator.  Note: The deductions from your salary will be over a 9-month period.
  • Complete the buying annual leave request form* and attach the Calculator estimate spreadsheet. Note. you only need to add your salary in the 'Current full time annual salary' field. Do not add it in the Allowance section.
  • Submit by Sunday, 19th May 2024.
  • Your request will then go to your Line Manager and Budget Manager for review and approval or rejection
  • You will receive an automated email update when your Line Manager and then your Budget Manager has approved / rejected your request
  • All approved requests will be reviewed, and you will receive confirmation of the cost to be deducted from your salary, before the date outlined above
  • You then have a week to withdraw your request if you have changed your mind by contacting HR Direct 

*You must be connected to the NHSBT network in order to access the calculator and request form.


Issues with accessing the buy annual leave form

You must be connected to the NHSBT network in order to access the calculator and request form.  If you are having problems downloading the form use the Issues with the Buy/Sell Leave form guidance on how to access the form.


How to apply if you are on non-standard hours / are a Clinician

If you are on a non-standard working week (e.g. 37.5 hours or pro rata) contact HR Direct and log your interest, they will then organise with the relevant team to get your request processed.


Salary and payslip dates used to calculate the cost

Below are the details of the salary and payslips to use on you Buying Annual Leave calculator.  You only need to add your salary in the 'Current full time annual salary' field. Do not add it in the Allowance section.

Note. the costs will be deducted over a 9 month period between July 2023 and March 2024.

Date application window opens Salary date to use for calculator Payslips dates to be used for variable salary details on calculator Salary months for deduction of cost
1st May 2024 April 2024 Jan, Feb & March 2024 July 24 - March 25


Non-standard leave year applications

If your leave year runs from the anniversary of your start date you will need to:

  • Ensure that your application is approved and submitted at least 3 weeks before the start of your 2024/25 annual leave year.
  • Contact HR Direct for a copy of the form and calculator.


Approve or reject a request for Buying Annual leave 

The deadline for all approvals (Line Manger and Budget Manager) is Sunday, 2nd June 2024.  The buy annual leave window is now open.

Once an application is submitted by your employee you will receive an email from 'NHSBT Notification'. The Subject title will be ‘ACTION REQUIRED: Buying Annual Leave Approval Request’. A reminder email will be sent out every 24 hours until the request is approved or rejected.

  • Review the email - this will detail the request your employee has submitted
  • Discuss and agree with your employees their request
  • Approve or reject their request using the 'approve' or 'reject' links on the email

If you have any employees currently absent due to coronavirus, sickness, career break, external secondment, maternity, maternity support or parental leave who will be returning during the 2024/25 leave year you will need to provide them with the details of the scheme.  If they wish to apply but aren't able to access the form, please contact HR Direct.