Scientific and Clinical Courses

Programme Outlines for Scientific and Clinical Courses

The programme outlines below identify the learning outcomes and target audience for each event. Before booking to attend any programme, you need to have a discussion with your manager to ensure that it is appropriate for the needs of both you and your department. These discussions can take place at any time during the year, but should be included in your PDPR.

Basic Introduction to Transfusion Science (BITS)

Do you want to understand about the science of transfusion but don’t work in a transfusion setting? Discover open access modules in your own time and at your own pace. Each will demystify what happens in blood transfusion.

The three modules are:

  • Vein to vein
  • Basics of blood grouping
  • Transfusion safety

You can access these modules in Brightspace: Basic Introduction to Transfusion Science (Online).

Practical Introduction to Transfusion Science (PITS)

This 5-day course is a superb introduction to the basic practical skills needed in transfusion science and covers the essential underpinning theory needed to perform routine transfusion laboratory techniques.

You can find more information and how to book by visiting the NHSBT Learning Centre.

Specialist Transfusion Science Practice (STSP)

This 5-day course will give an insight into the specialist techniques that are utilised in the NHSBT Red Cell Immunohematology laboratories to investigate complex cases and will give attendees the opportunity to apply already securely embedded basic transfusion science knowledge in a case-based approach.

You can find more information and how to book by visiting the NHSBT Learning Centre.

Advanced Transfusion Masterclass

A 1-day course to enhance knowledge and understanding of specialist blood transfusion topics, aimed at practicing Specialist or Advanced Biomedical Scientists and beyond. This is an interactive day to encourage shared learning of complex transfusion science practice.

You can find more information and how to book by visiting the NHSBT Learning Centre.

Pipette Training

Pipette training is essential for anyone working in a laboratory setting, as it ensures accurate and precise sample/reagent handling, which is crucial for reliable test results. This pipette training is half a day including a range of content from basics of a pipette through proper pipetting techniques, forward and reverse pipetting.

You can find more information by contacting Scientific and Clinical Training and Education Team.

Component Awareness

The Component Awareness course is designed for staff members in the blood supply chain to give them information about how components are produced and how the components are used in hospitals.  Delegates would learn about the actions taken to provide safe blood for patients.  It is an interactive course, and delegates will be able to handle sample packs used in the manufacturing process. The course also looks at hazards of transfusion and where mistakes in the transfusion process can occur in a hospital setting and the impact of those mistakes.

This course is also valuable for Donor Carers and Nurses as it gives them information that can help them answer donor questions.  There is no need to have a scientific background to attend the course. The course will be delivered across the country at multiple NHSBT centres for internal NHSBT staff.

You can find more information by contacting Scientific and Clinical Training and Education Team.

Essential Transfusion Medicine (ETM)

This five-day programme will introduce the key aspects of Transfusion Medicine to enable safe and effective practice to Specialty Registrars (StR) and ST2/3s newly in post and new Clinical Scientists on the Higher Specialist Scientist Training programme. It is aimed at Doctors commencing studies in Transfusion Medicine within the first 6 months of training.

You can find more information and how to book by visiting the NHSBT Learning Centre.

Intermediate Transfusion Medicine (ITM)

This 15-day programme is aimed to meet the training needs of Speciality Registrars who are studying for the Part 1 RC Path examination in Haematology and Transfusion Medicine. In addition it will be beneficial for Clinical Scientists undertaking the Higher Specialist Scientist Programme in Transfusion.

You can find more information and how to book by visiting the NHSBT Learning Centre.

RCPath Pre-exam Revision

This course is aimed at Specialist Registrars and Clinical Scientists who are studying and preparing for the Part 2 Royal College of Pathology exam. At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply transfusion medicine/ science knowledge and interpret results across a range of practical/ clinical situations in order to satisfactorily complete and pass the data interpretation part of the RCPath examination

You can find more information and how to book by visiting the NHSBT Learning Centre.

Additional Links

Information regarding additional and specialist Scientific and Clinical courses can be found on the NHSBT Hospitals and Science website

Rolling calendar - this links to a spreadsheet that identifies the dates and locations of NHSBT courses and links to the relevant booking forms