
All vacancies (permanent, secondment and fixed-term) are advertised for a minimum of 1 week and maximum of 2 weeks* on our e-Recruitment system and careers website site.  Band 8 and above roles must be advertised both externally and internally.

Various job platforms, media and means of advertising are used including NHS Jobs, to attract a diverse a range of candidates. Your recruiter will discuss this with you at the role briefing call.

*Specialist vacancies may require a longer advertising period.

Priority status for Redeployees

Your recruitment contact will guide you through the priority process for redeployees.

Redeployees will need to demonstrate in their application / interview how they meet the essential criteria for the role. You must consider whether a redeployee could be reasonably expected to acquire or meet the required criteria in a reasonable period of time. If a redeployee does not match the criteria in their application / Interview, the hiring manager must provide justification, stating their reasons in writing to a senior member of the Recruitment team for ratification before the decision is confirmed to the redeployee. 

If you are unable to appoint a redeployee to your vacancy it will be released for widerrecruitment

All redeployees who are not shortlisted or unsuccessful at interview may request feedback from the hiring manager.