Nurse Roles

Important Note: All requests for agency/ contract workers of any value require an approved Professional Services Business Case (PSBC). There must be no retrospective approvals. If you are in any doubt whether these controls apply, please discuss this with your Finance Business Partner or Commercial Lead. To request an approval, please access the Finance Intranet* and select PSBC approvals.

Nurse roles covers Band 6 and 7 Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Registered Nurses.

These workers are provided by Sanctuary Health Agency. They are a recruitment agency supplying NHSBT via the Crown Commercial Services (CCS) framework, which agencies must be a member of to supply various NHS trusts nationally.

The Nurse will be managed by NHSBT, but will be employed by Sanctuary Health. Tom Baldry is the account manager. Once you have approval, contact Ed directly to discuss the arrangements for selection and placement.

Tom Baldry - email or telephone 07458161171.

Timesheets and Payroll

Sanctuary use an online timesheet system. They will contact you to set you up with log in details to approve each workers hours online. Your agency worker will submit their hours at the end of each week. This will generate an email for you to check, approve and confirm the hours for payment.

Identity Checks

Sanctuary are responsible for carrying out identity and right to work checks on workers who are assigned to NHSBT, in line with legal requirements and NHS standards. When Sanctuary workers start work, the responsible Manager should always personally check the Sanctuary branded ID-badge that they issue to all workers. This provides assurance that the person who is attending is the person who was selected for the assignment.

Issues with conduct or performance

If there are issues regarding any of the nurses supplied, please contact Tom Baldry directly in the first instance, who will then escalate this. If there are any general queries with timesheets or working hours etc, again please contact Tom Baldry.

Claiming expenses

If any travel is undertaken the Sanctuary worker will claim these expenses via the online timesheet portal. As the manager, you will be notified when anything has been submitted for review and approval.